What Does It Mean To “Eat Like Our Ancestors Ate”?

picture of ancestral foods of meat, fat, eggs

Why do we keep talking about “eating like our ancestors ate”? What does that make you think about? What kind of food did your ancestors eat? Lamb? Pig? Fish? 

If you’re looking for nutrient-dense food, going back a generation or two (or 10) might enlighten you on how much our food has changed in recent years. We believe in the importance of considering how our ancestors ate as we navigate how to live a much healthier lifestyle as well as working through challenges like food transparency and food freedom. 

Understanding how our ancestors ate will also help you understand our farm and why we’ve chosen to farm regeneratively. It’s a priority for us at 1984Farms to produce meat like our ancestors ate… nutrient-dense, clean, and natural.

What we mean by “ancestors” is both our personal genealogy and the early history of human survival. We can go back a couple of generations, before food like Lucky Charms and Ramen were in every household, and recognize that human diets were simple and natural. 

My grandmother and grandfather on their wedding day.

May I tell you about my own lovely grandmother? She grew up on a dry farm in Utah and ate a lot of meat and raw dairy. Growing up, she and her family had a family milk cow, and would eat or use all the parts of the meat animals. She loves pork rinds, and was raised knowing how to fry up pig skin. It’s her 96th birthday TODAY and she’s just starting to slow down. I consider her the epitome of health! 

When we consider the way meat was raised or hunted historically, there are 4 specific things we are trying to simulate with regenerative farming here at 1984Farms.

  1. Pure, Clean meat. Animals were not affected by synthetic toxins like pesticides, medications, or vaccines. 
  1. Wild game and meat animals naturally ate grasses, not grain. It has only been since the 1960’s that feedlot operations and vitamin-infused grain have been introduced to farm animals, affecting the animals who literally do not have the stomach for it. 
  1. Wild game and meat animals lived out in the open. They were free to roam in the sunshine, and they instinctively foraged for what they needed. Animals moved around and some migrated, leaving the grass to regrow before returning to an area. 
Ancestral Foods vs Ultra-processed foods of today. Which do you think is killing us?
  1. Our ancestors diets prioritized animal foods. Their diets consisted of nutrient-dense food like meat and dairy. (Their diets also lacked the amount of chemicals, synthetic vitamins, preservatives, and fillers that most store-bought food contains today.) 

It doesn’t take much to look around and recognize that the health of our society is struggling. The diet of the average American is so far from the way our ancestors ate, even just a hundred years ago, and we’re paying for it in our physical, mental, and emotional health. 

We believe that eating the way our ancestors ate promotes healthier individuals, healthier families, communities, and ultimately a healthier world. 

We dedicate blood sweat and tears to provide truly clean meat for not just our own family but yours as well. 

Click here to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date with the farm, recipes, and special savings on meat like your ancestors ate!

3 Reasons Beef From Small Farms Cost More Than Costco… (And Why You Should Be Paying More For Your Beef.)

Why does our meat cost so much?

Did you know that pasture-raised, pasture-finished, grain-free beef is top-quality meat and really in a class all of its own? That’s one reason why our beef costs so much more than other meat you find at a grocery store. 

If you want your family to consume top-quality meat, here are a few questions to ponder…

When you buy meat from a grocery store, do you know where that meat came from? 

Do you know what it ate, or if it was given vaccinations or synthetic medications that would compromise it’s nutritional value? 

Did the animal live a life in sunshine (affecting the amount of vitamins and minerals)?

Was it fed something like grain or soy that can be detected in its meat and affect those with sensitivities? 

Is all that ground beef even from the same cow?

Those questions may not mean much to a lot of Americans, but for you, those are the questions you want answered, and a lot of meat-producing corporations won’t.

But you know here at 1984Farms, we’re happy to! 

However, we have received a lot of feedback that our prices are out of your budget, and we hear you. We continually look for ways to cut costs. We also work to provide value and education because truly, our meat is not the same as the meat you’re finding at a grocery store. 


Yes, buying meat from a big chain grocery store will cost less than a small-scale farmer because…

  1. Small-scale farmers like us cover the costs of everything from start to finish, including:
  • High-quality feed
  • High-quality animal care when needed
  • Equipment
  • Farm hand labor
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Advertising
  • Shipping
  1. Small-scale farms don’t usually have access to Government subsidies. (Meaning we don’t get any financial compensation or breaks like a lot of large corporations)
  1. Small-scale farms don’t have the herd size. (Overhead costs spread across 100,000 animals is different than spread across 50 animals)

We can get into the math of it all – the going price at sale barns, costs of processing, overhead – but I might lose you. 😉

What you will be getting when you buy meat from a small-scale farm…

Quality and peace of mind. The meat you receive is from the same cow, is vaccine and antibiotic-free, has been fed the highest quality feed, lived a life in the sunshine, and has the highest nutritional value. 

Amazing customer service. We know you by name and we value you. If you ever have a complaint or concern, we will personally do everything we can to make sure you are taken care of, are satisfied with your products or service, and have a positive overall experience. 

Transparency. We are more than happy to share the ins and outs of our operations. We pride ourselves in giving our animals their very best life, and providing you with all the information you could need to feel confident that your meat is handled properly and with the utmost care and quality. 

It goes without saying that Walmart doesn’t value your business like a small, local shop does. Big corporations will be just fine without your business

Small-scale farms are like your “mom-and-pop” shops, our operations will always cost a little more – we can’t help it (if we could we would!) But also like a mom-and-pop shop, you will receive the best care and customer service. 

Our quality is superior to big chain stores, and we know it. 

My purpose is not to down-talk getting beef from the grocery store. We encourage everyone to eat meat no matter where you get it vs. skipping it.  My purpose is to educate you so you can make your own informed decision about the meat you consume and feed to your family.

And really though, Pasture-raised, pasture-finished grain-free beef is top-quality and in a class of meat all its own. And to help with affordability we have special deals and sales EVERY WEEK!
Go look at our weekly Pastured Specials HERE.

Our Favorite Products and Brands

I decided to share some of our favorite products and brands that have become staples in our intentional-living journey. These are products or companies that we have shopped with for years or a few months and have fallen in-love. They align with the same values we raise our animals with – because why would we do for them what we wouldn’t do for ourselves? Enjoy!

Azure Standard – monthly co-op we have shopped with for 12+ years. We buy all of our organic foods in bulk, including fruit and raw cheese (until we make our own). Our list of favorites will have to be for another post!

PermaEarth – For years I tried natural shampoo alternatives always to give up and go back to store-bought. 8 months ago I discovered this brand (who sources their animal fats from regenerative farms like our!) no more plastic bottles in the shower – just their amazing shampoo bars! And we don’t even need conditioner and they work for all our different hair types – curly, fine, thin, thick.

Tuttle Twins – If we were to have a curriculum, this would be it! We have used these books since the first one cam out and we have bought every one since. These books teach kids real world, economic and liberty principles in such a creative way. They align with our values of developing responsible and moral citizens who know how our country was set up to work and to inspire being active in the preservation of it.

Primal Life Organics – Similar situation with the DIY shampoo, except I’ve been buying from them for a couple of years. I love the toothpaste they make, knowing that my kids can accidentally swallow it and that it remineralizes our teeth.

Health and Soil Supplements – Our family eats a more animal-based diet after being largely plant-based for almost 20 years. After diving deep into Weston A Price‘s research among many others, we prioritize animal fats, organs, meats over plants. These supplements have been a game changer for my hormones and gut. Specifically the Women’s blend and the Gut and Digestion.

I hope you find something here that is the answer to one of your quests, and I am happy to answer any questions about any of them!

Do You Walk The Walk?

Walk The Walk, And Get Your Pasture Raised-And-Finished Beef, Pork, + Lamb Delivered Right To Your Door!

If you want the highest quality meat available, there’s no excuse not to because you don’t even have to leave your house to get it! 

We’ve made the ordering and shipping process as easy and efficient as possible. 

We’re doing all the hard work, and you get all the benefits of supporting one of America’s most sustainable, family-owned and operated farms. 

When you buy meat from us…

You Are Saving American Farms

The average American farmer is 67 years old. The majority of farmland across the US will be transferring ownership over the next 20 years. Most farms are slaves to the government. They are dependent on subsidies to even exist, and the average debt is 1.3 million. Did you know 1.3 percent of the nation’s population are farmers and ranchers? When you buy direct from a farmer, you guarantee the future of agriculture in the United States. You help release the burden of debt, and all the federal middlemen, allowing the farmer to care for his family. Farmers and ranchers are losing the battle, selling land to developers because they don’t have anyone to pass the legacy to, or because they don’t have money to retire and they can’t physically continue to work anymore. (Suicide is the leading cause of death among farmers because of the enormous weight of debt and struggles of low income.) You are rekindling hope that families can pass their culture to the next generations that can see the farm is profitable and can successfully provide for their families.

You Are Taking Care Of The Earth And Giving Back to American Communities

You are improving soil quality, food quality, and making farming more sustainable. You are participating in quality animal and land management which develops strong healthy ecosystems for beneficial insects like bees, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, and ensuring healthy lands for future generations to thrive and exist.

When you buy from us you make it possible for us to teach others the value of sustainable, regeneratively raised meats and help others live more healthy lives through our community events and workshops. We educate other producers about this way of farming and teach children where their food comes from and the importance of being connected to it. 

You Are Rescuing American Small Business

Thank you are taking action and showing others that you can take ownership of your food, and so can they. Eating like our ancestors can be done, even without raising meat yourself. You are an example and a leader for change, pushing other companies to produce better foods because you “vote with your dollar” every time you spend it. What you spend your money on determines what will be available. When you take ownership of your food, you’re also taking ownership in other areas of your life and it continues an upward spiral of progress and development. Your relationships are better because people know that you don’t just talk about what you want in your life, you make it happen.

90% of small businesses fail in the first 5 years of operating. Small businesses are what America was founded on and what keeps a healthy economy. Small businesses are able to develop close relationships and maintain personal connections with their valued customers, which builds stronger communities. Employees of small, family-owned, businesses are statistically more satisfied, and experience less depression, anxiety, and broken marriages.

You Are Showing Your True Colors As A Leader Of Change 

You’re showing the rising generation how it’s done, what is most important, and what they should value. You make it possible for them to believe in and actually achieve the things that are important to them because you have already done it in many aspects of your life. 

You Are Choosing Food Freedom Over Dollars 

We know our nutrient-dense meat costs more than the meat at your local grocery store, and definitely is more valuable than a “value meal” at McDonald’s. You decide what is most important to you – in every aspect of your life. You sacrifice in some areas to have the best in others (like sacrificing convenience for the benefit of physical and mental health for you and your family). You know what has value and you promote it by making it a priority. You know that true freedom is priceless and invaluable. 

If you’re thinking “That’s me!” Here’s how you order your nutrient-dense, pasture-raised-and-finished meat…

  1. First, go to 1984farms.com and click on the type of meat you are interested in… beef, pork, or lamb. 

2. Next, choose which cuts you want from the dropdown menu and click “add to cart” on anything you want.

We will also have weekly specials to make shopping quick and easy. We will choose the cuts and package them together and bundle them up with savings. We will also have a sampler box to try our meats and find out which is your favorite!

(Remember if you’re on the email list, you’ll know FIRST what the weekly specials are, ordering reminders/cut-offs, special discounts, and offers…)

Our shipping will begin on June 13, 2023, and will occur every Tuesday thereafter. Please be aware that orders placed after 11:59 PM on the Monday prior to the shipping date will be shipped the following Tuesday.

We use Next Day Air to ship most of our products, which are scheduled to arrive at 10 am the day after they are shipped. Please note that delivery personnel will leave your order wherever your UPS man delivers it. To ensure your order’s safety, we recommend that someone be present to receive it when it arrives.

If you live in a ground zone state, your order will arrive within 1-2 days of shipping.

We take great care to ensure that your meats arrive frozen by using high-quality materials such as thicker cardboard boxes, quality liners, and dry ice. However, please note that there can be delays in shipping and that we cannot guarantee that your meats will arrive frozen. If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

You can go here for more information on our shipping policies. If you have any other questions, please see if we’ve answered them in our frequently asked questions, or contact us. 

Thank you for taking action and being one of the good ones.